Friday, March 27, 2020

What Is a Functional Group in Chemistry?

What Is a Functional Group in Chemistry?What is a Functional Group in Chemistry? The answer to this question is quite complex. It does not matter how many articles are written on it, it is such a different field of study compared to those in other academic departments.In order to better understand the question, we need to first define what a functional group is. It is an abstract chemical entity, which can exist in more than one place.Some molecules do not form into a part until they interact with a series of forces. Examples of these forces are electrical, magnetic and chemical.The most commonly known functional group is the molecule 'electron'. Molecules like DMSO, NH 4 OH, dichloromethane and triethylamine are commonly referred to as 'substances with two electrons' because they have at least two electrons.However, this chemical fact is a simplification, because if you look closely at a molecule, you will see that there are more molecules, and therefore electrons can also be presen t in higher numbers. In a molecule like the O-H functional group mentioned above, you will see two electrons and three other non-electrons. This makes the total number of electrons to be greater than three. Furthermore, in certain molecules, such as ethyl chloride, methyl chloride and glycerol, there can also be many more non-electrons than electrons.For better understanding, imagine a table, where you have groups that can occupy the same spot, but are not really one group. They can be considered to be separate groups, but are actually part of the same thing.So, what is a Functional Group in Chemistry?It is the smallest single molecule in a group, but in a different phase, not necessarily connected with the rest of the molecules. And, yes, some of them are complex, which is usually needed to distinguish them from other simpler ones. After all, they are a feature of the whole chemical picture.

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